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Blue Diamond Great Dane V. Fan Tan Great Dane
Friday, 30 December 2011

It is almost 2012. Hard to believe I will again be fumbling over dates on checks etc and writing down the wrong year.  I guess this why they created bank cards.

The puppies are doing well. The girls are seperated at night from one another in seperate pens. One male is doing exceptionally well and is sitting and staying until he gets his treat.  The girls are a little more impatient. They seem to recognize the differences in collars too.  There are a couple of times they have gone after the odd color collar wearer.  I have seen this in horses when I lived on my friends ranch years ago.  One pasture had all white horses in it and at feeding time they would run off the next one from the hay according to age.  The eldest mare ate from every other horses flake of hay and then went back to the front of the line where the first flake had been thrown. Then a bay mare was run into the pasture and they wouldn't let her eat at all. They kept running her off of her hay so she was moved out of the pasture and back into another area.

Posted by bluediamondgreatdane at 3:31 PM PST
Updated: Monday, 26 March 2018 3:12 PM PDT
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